Survey of Operating Systems (Eng) | Книги |
Holcombe, "Survey of Operating Systems, 3e" is 'your foundation for IT Success!' McGraw-Hill is proud to introduce the third edition of Jane and Charles Holcombe's, "Survey of Operating Systems". This edition is a unique revision of the successful previous editions. Every chapter has been updated to include more illustrations and hands-on activities for students building a foundation for IT success through a fundamental understanding of desktop operating systems, including Windows 7, Mac OS X, and Linux. Due to market feedback and customer response, the textbook has been streamlined to provide a new pedagogy, including more extensive coverage on security that is, presented earlier in the text, and a new chapter on Desktop Virtualization. "Survey of Operating Systems" offers today's student a visual, interactive, and empowering approach to learning desktop operating systems so they can build their foundation for IT success! |
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2012-10-04 18:28:56 | автор: .Stealth |