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От урожденного японца, выпускника литературного семинара Малькольма Брэдбери, лауреата Букеровской премии за 2005 год.
Тридцатилетняя Кэти вспоминает свое детство в привилегированной школе Хейлшем, полное странных недомолвок, половинчатых откровений и подспудной угрозы.
Это роман-притча, это история любви, дружбы и памяти, это предельное овеществление метафоры "служить всей жизнью".
Впервые на русском языке. |
Читать дальше | 22.09.2007 11:25 | автор: Hemul |
107 стр. | DJVU (качество среднее) | 9 MB |
Читать дальше | 20.09.2007 22:00 | автор: fanatik |
200 стр. | PDF | 95.3 MB или 200 стр. | DJVU | 10.4 MBДобро пожаловать в мир одного из лучших карикатуристов мира!
Разглядывая комические серии Бидструпа, даже самый угрюмый человек не удержится от улыбки. Юмор Бидструпа не имеет национальных границ. Эти смешные, курьезные, трагикомичные рассказы в картинках понятны любому человеку, независимо от возраста и национальности.
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Читать дальше | 19.09.2007 03:13 | автор: fanatik |
Книга представляет собой хорошо структурированное пособие-справочник для пользователей ПК и ремонтников. Материал излагается в виде полезных советов. Прочитав эту книгу до конца и следуя рекомендациям и советам, приведенным в ней, вы избавите себя от необходимости обращаться в сервис-центр и сможете «приручить» свой компьютер. |
Читать дальше | 13.09.2007 22:24 | автор: .Stealth |
Help на русском языке к CorelDRAW X3 в формате .chm |
Читать дальше | 13.09.2007 22:17 | автор: .Stealth |
В номере:
— Волшебные пузырьки воздушной шоколадки, найденные в портрете.
— Туманные силуэты мистического пейзажа.
— Эффект инфракрасной съемки цифровыми методами и тонирование в сепию в одном флаконе.
— Небольшая глубина резкости небольшими усилиями.
— Осенняя фотосъемка: эффектность золотой листвы.
— Лучше плагины для удаления виньетирования и добавления его там, где нужно.
— Как настроить фильтр Displace, чтобы нанести изображений на любую поверхность.
— С чего начинается кино? Новая рубрика журнала, посвященная обработке видео. |
Читать дальше | 13.09.2007 22:17 | автор: BANDIT(filmmaniac) |
Ulysses has been labeled dirty, blasphemous, and unreadable. In a famous 1933 court decision, Judge John M. Woolsey declared it an emetic book--although he found it sufficiently unobscene to allow its importation into the United States--and Virginia Woolf was moved to decry James Joyce's "cloacal obsession." None of these adjectives, however, do the slightest justice to the novel. To this day it remains the modernist masterpiece, in which the author takes both Celtic lyricism and vulgarity to splendid extremes. It is funny, sorrowful, and even (in a close-focus sort of way) suspenseful. And despite the exegetical industry that has sprung up in the last 75 years, Ulysses is also a compulsively readable book. Even the verbal vaudeville of the final chapters can be navigated with relative ease, as long as you're willing to be buffeted, tickled, challenged, and (occasionally) vexed by Joyce's sheer command of the English language.
Among other things, a novel is simply a long story, and the first question about any story is: What happens?. In the case of Ulysses, the answer might be Everything. William Blake, one of literature's sublime myopics, saw the universe in a grain of sand. Joyce saw it in Dublin, Ireland, on June 16, 1904, a day distinguished by its utter normality. Two characters, Stephen Dedalus and Leopold Bloom, go about their separate business, crossing paths with a gallery of indelible Dubliners. We watch them teach, eat, stroll the streets, argue, and (in Bloom's case) masturbate. And thanks to the book's stream-of-consciousness technique--which suggests no mere stream but an impossibly deep, swift-running river--we're privy to their thoughts, emotions, and memories. The result? Almost every variety of human experience is crammed into the accordian folds of a single day, which makes Ulysses not just an experimental work but the very last word in realism. |
Читать дальше | 13.09.2007 21:52 | автор: Hexuss |
The rise and fall of a media-made messiah is the subject of Palahniuk's impressive second novel (after the well-received Fight Club), a wryly mannered commentary on the excesses of pop culture that tracks the 15 minutes of fame of the lone living member of a suicide cult. Tender Branson, aged 33, has commandeered a Boeing 747, emptied of passengers, in order to tell his story to the "black box" while flying randomly until the plane runs out of gas and crashes. Branson relates in his long flashback the vicissitudes of his life: a member of the repressive Creedish Death Cult, supposedly founded by a splinter group of Millerites in 1860, he is hired out as a domestic servant who must dedicate his earnings to the cult. Despite his humble beginnings, Branson finds himself on the edge of fame and fortune when the cult members begin their suicide binge, and he keeps himself on the media radar by using the psychic dreams of his potential romantic interest, Fertility Hollis, in which the girl accurately predicts a series of strange disasters. After a brief period at the top of the freak-show heap, Branson succumbs to the excesses of his trade when his agent mysteriously dies at the Super Bowl as Branson predicts the outcome of the game at half-time, simultaneously triggering a riot and turning him into a murder suspect. Branson's spookily matter of fact account of his bizarre experiences does not excite tension until the narrative is well under way, but the novel picks up momentum during the homestretch when Branson goes on the lam with Fertility and his murderous brother Adam, and the story steamrolls toward its nightmarish climax. Palahniuk's DeLilloesque cultural witticisms and his satirical take on the culture of instant celebrity invest the narrative with a dark humor that does not quite overcome its lack of a coherent plot. |
Читать дальше | 13.09.2007 11:35 | автор: jozic |
A towering masterwork of science fiction adventure and one of the best-selling science fiction novels of all time, L. Ron Hubbard's Battlefield Earth opens with breathtaking scope on an Earth dominated for 1,000 years by an alien invader-and man is an endangered species. From the handful of surviving humans a courageous leader emerges-Jonnie Goodboy Tyler, who challenges the invincible might of the alien Psychlo empire in a battle of epic scale, danger and intrigue with the fate of the Earth and of the universe in the tenuous balance. |
Читать дальше | 13.09.2007 07:17 | автор: Hexuss |
With a first page that captures the reader hook, line and sinker, Palahniuk (Choke; Lullaby) plunges into the odd predicament of Waytansea Island resident and ex-art student Misty Marie Kleinman, whose husband, Peter, lies comatose in a hospital bed after a suicide attempt. Rooms in summer houses on the mainland that Peter has remodeled start to mysteriously disappear-"The man calling from Long Beach, he says his bathroom is missing"-and Misty, with the help of graphologist Angel Delaporte, discovers that crude and prophetic messages are scrawled across the walls and furniture of the blocked-off chambers. In her new world, where every day is "another longest day of the year," Misty suffers from mysterious physical ailments, which only go away while she is drawing or painting. Her doctor, 12-year-old daughter and mother-in-law, instead of worrying about her health, press her to paint more and more, hinting that her art will save exclusive Waytansea Island from being overrun by tourists. In the meantime, Misty is finding secret messages written under tables and in library books from past island artists issuing bold but vague warnings. With new and changing versions of reality at every turn, the theme of the "tortured artist" is taken to a new level and "everything is important. Every detail. We just don't know why, yet." The novel is something of a departure for Palahniuk, who eschews his blighted urban settings for a sinister resort island, but his catchy, jarring prose, cryptic pronouncements and baroque flights of imagination are instantly recognizable, and his sharp, bizarre meditations on the artistic process make this twisted tale one of his most memorable works to date. |
Читать дальше | 12.09.2007 14:26 | автор: jozic |
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