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В книгах Ильи Франка не совсем привычное формaтирование - сначала идет отрывок текста с переводом слов и небольших предложений (почти дословно, что очень удобно особенно для начинающих), затем идет тот же отрывок, нo уже без подсказок. И не нужно расстраиваться, если вы не запомнили все слова, НЕ НУЖНО возвращаться к ним - в этом и заключается весь смысл метода Франка - что не нужно "зубрить" долгими часами новые слова, просто читайте дальше. И скоро вы заметите, что вы почти не смотрите в подсказки или же вообще пропускаете адаптированный текст, и думаете - "зачем он вообще нужен - тольком мешает" |
Читать дальше | 01.11.2012 17:03 | автор: .Stealth |
The book is full of C# code samples and tips to help you squeeze every bit of juice from your application—lower memory utilization, consistent CPU usage, and fewer I/O operations across the network and disk. Pro .NET Performance will change the way you think about .NET application development |
Читать дальше | 01.11.2012 16:24 | автор: .Stealth |
Windows 7 Device Driver brings together all the information experienced programmers need to build exceptionally reliable, high-performance Windows 7 drivers. Internationally renowned driver development expert Ronald D. Reeves shows how to make the most of Microsoft’s powerful new tools and models; save time and money; and efficiently deliver stable, robust drivers |
Читать дальше | 01.11.2012 15:42 | автор: .Stealth |
Mac OS X Lion In Depth is a comprehensive guide to Mac OS X Lion, grounded in real-world advice and experience. The author, Robyn Ness, is a long-time Mac user and provides practical instruction on how to get up and running with Lion, and then move on to more advanced features and options |
Читать дальше | 01.11.2012 15:15 | автор: .Stealth |
Learn to write apps for some of today’s hottest technologies, including the iPhone and iPad (using iOS), as well as the Mac (using OS X). It starts with Objective-C, the base language on which the native iOS software development kit (SDK) and the OS X are based. Learn Objective-C on the Mac: For OS X and iOS, Second Edition updates a best selling book and is an extensive, newly updated guide to Objective-C |
Читать дальше | 01.11.2012 12:57 | автор: .Stealth |
Implementing Zendesk as part of your company’s operations can be a time-consuming process. In this hands-on guide, author Stafford Vaughan provides the most comprehensive set of best practices for setting up and using Zendesk, distilled from years of training companies how to launch this popular customer service software |
Читать дальше | 01.11.2012 12:22 | автор: .Stealth |
Walk through the basics of Tornado, the high-performance web server known for its speed, simplicity, and scalability on projects large and small. With this hands-on guide, you’ll learn how to use Tornado’s acclaimed features by working with several example applications. You also get best practices for using Tornado in the real world |
Читать дальше | 01.11.2012 11:59 | автор: .Stealth |
C++ Concurrency in Action is a reference and guide to the new C++ 11 Standard for experienced C++ programmers as well as those who have never written multithreaded code. This book will show you how to write robust multithreaded applications in C++ while avoiding many common pitfalls |
Читать дальше | 01.11.2012 11:53 | автор: .Stealth |
Everything you need to immediately get the most from Windows 7“ This essential and unique book delves into the various elements that Microsoft fixed from Vista and investigates the new features that Microsoft added in response to user requests. Veteran author John Paul Mueller shows you how to work with security policies as well as manage the Windows Firewall in every way conceivable—both of which are topics you won't find anywhere else. In addition, he presents a clear, procedural approach to working with trigger-start services, details how to make the User Account Control part of an application, and shows how to use Group Policy Objects to work with the Windows Firewall. Ultimately, you'll discover how Windows 7 provides practical, usable functionality, just waiting for you to exploit |
Читать дальше | 31.10.2012 20:52 | автор: .Stealth |
In Getting Good with PHP, Andrew Burgess will teach you everything you need to know about the basics of PHP. Even if you don’t have any programming experience under your belt, this easy-to-read guide will get you started with PHP in no time |
Читать дальше | 31.10.2012 20:42 | автор: .Stealth |
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