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Object-Oriented Programming and Java presents two important topics in contemporary software development: object-oriented programming and Java. This book takes a different teaching approach from most available literature, it begins with the description of real-world object interaction scenarios and explains how they can be translated, represented and executed using object-oriented programming paradigm.
Principally, Java is an object-oriented programming language. By establishing a solid foundation in the understanding of object-oriented programming concepts and their applications, the book provides readers with the pre-requisites for writing proper object-oriented programs using Java.
Object-Oriented Programming and Java covers the latest in Java technologies and is suitable for undergraduate or postgraduate courses on object-oriented technology, and in particular, using Java as a programming language for creating object-oriented programs.
Читать дальше | 28.11.2011 19:38 | автор: .Stealth |
Software Development and Professional Practice reveals how to design and code great software. What factors do you take into account? What makes a good design? What methods and processes are out there for designing software? Is designing small programs different than designing large ones? How can you tell a good design from a bad one? You'll learn the principles of good software design, and how to turn those principles back into great code. |
Читать дальше | 28.11.2011 19:31 | автор: .Stealth |
Java Software Solutions teaches a foundation of programming techniques to foster well-designed object-oriented software. Heralded for its integration of small and large realistic examples, this worldwide best-selling text emphasizes building solid problem-solving and design skills to write high-quality programs. |
Читать дальше | 28.11.2011 18:15 | автор: .Stealth |
JAVA PROGRAMMING, Sixth Edition provides the beginning programmer with a guide to developing applications using the Java programming language. Java is popular among professional programmers because it can be used to build visually interesting GUI and Web-based applications. Java also provides an excellent environment for the beginning programmer - students can quickly build useful programs while learning the basics of structured and object-oriented programming techniques. |
Читать дальше | 28.11.2011 17:50 | автор: .Stealth |
Software development today is embracing functional programming (FP), whether it's for writing concurrent programs or for managing Big Data. Where does that leave Java developers? This concise book offers a pragmatic, approachable introduction to FP for Java developers or anyone who uses an object-oriented language. |
Читать дальше | 28.11.2011 17:20 | автор: .Stealth |
В книге описывается не только операционная система, но и все основные свободные прикладные программы, входящие в дистрибутив Линукс Юниор. |
Читать дальше | 28.11.2011 13:42 | автор: .Stealth |
Whether you want to learn Java to write customized applets to embed in your web pages or large-scale applications, this is the book for you. Ivor Horton’s comprehensive and easy-to-use tutorial guide provides you with the essential know-how for developing programs using the latest Java Development Kit 7 (JDK 7). |
Читать дальше | 28.11.2011 00:41 | автор: .Stealth |
Информация в простом доступном изложении будет интересна широкому кругу читателей, радиолюбителей и специалистов. Как заменить радиоэлементы? Как подобрать отечественные компоненты вместо зарубежных? Как быстро и просто подключить силовые оконечные коммутационные узлы? Об этом и многом другом расскажет вам эта книга. |
Читать дальше | 27.11.2011 18:46 | автор: .Stealth |
Капитал. Карл Маркс
Полная версия "Капитала" Маркса - тома I, II, III (части 1 и 2), IV (Теории прибавочной стоимости) (части 1,2,3)
Обновлена по просьбам пользователей
Читать дальше | 27.11.2011 17:01 | автор: .Stealth |
Прочитав эту книгу по нумерологии, вы изумитесь тому, как много можно узнать из чисел о вашем характере, вкусах, привычках, отношениях с другими людьми и даже о будущем. |
Читать дальше | 27.11.2011 16:24 | автор: .Stealth |
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