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В. Суворов. Очищение: зачем Сталин обезглавил свою армию? Аудиокнига | Книги

Зачем Сталин обезглавил свою армию накануне Второй мировой войны? Почему был уничтожен высший командный состав РККА? Вопреки общепринятому мнению Виктор Суворов доказывает, что Сталин действовал правильно, точно и решительно, очищая армию от гениальных полководцев

Читать дальше10.02.2008 20:43 | автор: .Stealth

4 группы крови - 4 пути к здоровью | Книги

Широкому кругу читателей предлагается абсолютно новое и пока уникальное направление в диетологии, плод многолетних исследований, проведенных двумя докторами натуропатами - Питером Д’Адамо и его отцом. Оказывается нет диеты, одинаково приемлемой и полезной для всех; необходимый для Вашего здоровья, долголетия и благополучия режим питания определяет только Ваша группа крови.

Читать дальше10.02.2008 11:55 | автор: designer50

Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll | Книги

Source of legend and lyric, reference and conjecture, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is for most children pure pleasure in prose. While adults try to decipher Lewis Carroll's putative use of complex mathematical codes in the text, or debate his alleged use of opium, young readers simply dive with Alice through the rabbit hole, pursuing "The dream-child moving through a land / Of wonders wild and new." There they encounter the White Rabbit, the Queen of Hearts, the Mock Turtle, and the Mad Hatter, among a multitude of other characters--extinct, fantastical, and commonplace creatures. Alice journeys through this Wonderland, trying to fathom the meaning of her strange experiences. But they turn out to be "curiouser and curiouser," seemingly without moral or sense.

For more than 130 years, children have reveled in the delightfully non-moralistic, non-educational virtues of this classic. In fact, at every turn, Alice's new companions scoff at her traditional education. The Mock Turtle, for example, remarks that he took the "regular course" in school: Reeling, Writhing, and branches of Arithmetic-Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision. Carroll believed John Tenniel's illustrations were as important as his text. Naturally, Carroll's instincts were good; the masterful drawings are inextricably tied to the well-loved story.

Читать дальше10.02.2008 11:05 | автор: Hexuss

Ralph 124C 41+: A Romance of the Year 2660 - Hugo Gernsback | Книги

Ralph 124C 41+ is the leading genius around town in the scientifically run utopia of the year 2660. His inventions have helped make the world a better placed to live in and his every thought is devoted to scientific thought - until he meets Alice 212B 423 and she instantly becomes the object of his affections. He woos her amid a tour of the wonders of the New York of 2660 C.E. But then a scientific rival becomes a rival for Alice's hand. When Ralph wins her heart, his rival kidnaps Alice and secrets her in a scientific fortress defended by fearful weapons of his own invention. Soon the two are pitted against each other in a battle of scientific geniuses and weapons. Here's a genuine keystone novel in the field of science fiction. Written by Hugo Gernsback, the man dubbed the father of American science fiction for his founding of the first all-sf magazine, Amazing Stories in 1926, Ralph 124C 41+ is 1920's fictional look at the year 2660. And, due to the author's scientific background, most of its predictions came true! As critic Groff Conklin says, Ralph "contains a goodly number of then-fantastic scientific ideas that have since become fact. It also is a lot of fun to read. True enough, the plot is old-hat and the style is awkward - but even so "Ralph"- is thoroughly delightful. It has the genuine charm of a sound, workmanlike antique, plus the often-astonishing survival value of successful prophecy. You will not be disappointed with this tale!

Читать дальше10.02.2008 10:11 | автор: Hexuss

The Elric Saga - Michael Moorcock | Книги

Elric of Melniboné is a requisite title in the hard fantasy canon, a book no fantasy fan should leave unread. Author Michael Moorcock, already a major player in science fiction, cemented his position in the fantasy pantheon with the five-book Elric saga, of which Elric of Melniboné is the first installment. The book's namesake, the brooding albino emperor of the dying nation of Melniboné, is a sort of Superman for Goths, truly an archetype of the genre.

The youthful Elric is a cynical and melancholy king, heir to a nation whose 100,000-year rule of the world ended less than 500 years hence. More interested in brooding contemplation than holding the throne, Elric is a reluctant ruler, but he also realizes that no other worthy successor exists and the survival of his once-powerful, decadent nation depends on him alone. Elric's nefarious, brutish cousin Yrkoon has no patience for his physically weak kinsman, and he plots constantly to seize Elric's throne, usually over his dead body. Elric of Melniboné follows Yrkoon's scheming, reaching its climax in a battle between Elric and Yrkoon with the demonic runeblades Stormbringer and Mournblade. In this battle, Elric gains control of the soul-stealing Stormbringer, an event that proves pivotal to the Elric saga.

Читать дальше10.02.2008 10:09 | автор: Hexuss

SuperBike Magazine March 2008 | Книги

PDF | 136 Стр | ENG | 27.01 Мб

Читать дальше09.02.2008 18:30 | автор: MIFF

CGArena #3 (feb-mar 2008) | Книги

66 стр | PDF | 28.6 Mb

Читать дальше09.02.2008 09:32 | автор: Muse

Computer Arts (february 2008) | Книги

100 стр | PDF | 14 Mb

Читать дальше09.02.2008 08:55 | автор: Muse

MotoCycle Direct Cover Girls 2008 | Книги

PDF | 14 Pages | English | 4 Mb

Читать дальше09.02.2008 01:12 | автор: Hattori Hanzo

Maxim Февраль 2008 | Книги

PDF | 140 Pages | Russian | 38.9 Mb

Читать дальше09.02.2008 00:46 | автор: Hattori Hanzo

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